wear PPE
keep records
read the data plate
comply with EPA changes
beware the ASHRAE 15
know the ASHRAE 34
abide by AHRI 740
know thine units, both US customary and metric.
know thine refrigerants (ASHRAE 13)
and thy safety/flammability index (A1, A2, A2L, B1, B2, the ASHRAE 34)
evacuate line sets below 500 microns
use low-loss fittings
flood with nitrogen
use alkylbenzene lubricant with HFOs
test thine recovery cylinders every 5 years
recover vented refrigerant when charging
mix refrigerants
leak refrigerants
inhale refrigerants^1
burn refrigerants
use silicone or POE oils with HFOs
fill thine recovery cylinder above 80%
leave a piercing-type valve on when finished
Newton's Laws^2
ideal gas laws. ( pV = nRT )
Except, like, CO_2 . thou may inhale CO_2 .
an object in motion wants to stay in motion, an object at rest wants to stay at rest.
force is mass times acceleration.
for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.